Heart Breathings

The 2023 Preptober Planner Is Here!

The 2023 Preptober Planner Is Here!

I’m so excited for this planner. I’ve been working on it for weeks, and I think it’s the very best one I’ve ever created. I hope you’re going to find it super useful. See The Preptober Planner Flipthrough Want To Get Your Free Copy? This awesome resource is totally free to all members of my […]

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Sarra Cannon

Hi, I'm Sarra!

I have been self-publishing my books since 2010, and in that time, I've sold well over half a million copies of my books. I'm not a superstar or a huge bestseller, but I have built an amazing career that brings me great joy. Here at Heart Breathings, I hope to help you find that same level of success. Let's do this.

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